Events & Activities

Two Days Personality Development Training Program Organised at College of Agriculture, Kalaburagi

Two days personality development training programme was organized for UG students on 3-4th February, 2020 at College of Agriculture, Kalaburagi to develop personality of students in time management skills, listening/communication skills & presentation skills. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. D. M Chandragi, Dean (Agri.) & PI (NAHEP-IG) and expressed that main objectives of the project to build E-resources & digitisation of both the libraries at College of Agriculture, Kalabuaragi & B’ Gudi & also to build competitive human resources through training/workshop/seminars and programme was graced by the presence Dr. Suresh S. Patil, Dean (Agri) College of Agriculture, Kalaburagi, Resource Person – Smt. Radha (Smart Series, Bangalore), Dr. Krishna Maraddi Asst. Librarian & Co-PI (NAHEP-IG) and Dr. Anand Naik, Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture, Kalaburagi. 66 students participated in training programme.

The contents of the training program were as below.

1) Goal Setting
2) Time Management
3) Listening Skills and Communication skills
4) Presentation Skills
5) Team Work
6) Problem Solving/ Decision Making
