Top 5 Zodiac Signs Born To Be Happy

Top 5 Zodiac Signs born to be happy: Astrology and horoscopes have always been very interesting, because they provide us with wisdom on how the celestial bodies impact different aspects of our lives, for instance, the subject of happiness for many it is a core focus in their life. Even though the perception of joy is a subjective thing, according to some, specific zodiac signs are typically more likely to be embracing and having a positive view on life taking many times effortlessly. 

There are many specific attributes and characteristics which such people possess which makes it easy to attract happiness in their life, be it through their perspective towards life, relations, or work. In this article, we will be explaining the top five strongest zodiac signs in astrology which according to many have been born to be happy. 

1. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leos are dominantly known to be confident, have premium self esteem and are able to shine everywhere they go, which allows them to be relatively carefree. Born as a fire sign, Leo individuals are energetic and are enthusiastic about everything they do in life. They have supreme confidence and an elevator pitch type of a personality which draws people towards them allowing the individual to be around joy and love easily.

Because Leos are ruled by the Sun, their attitudes must be positive since the sun is associated with happiness, strength and life; it only makes sense that Leos are much more affirmative and driven. And rightfully so, optimism is Leo’s strongest feature. How this plays into their success is rather interesting as Leos succeed on a large level in life, achieving their goals through unyielding concentration stemming from their inherent sense of joy because a good perspective is half the battle in life. 

What’s rather remarkable is the deep sense of self-worth, as it is affection by those with a clear sense of aspiration; why this is key for a leo is due to their unwavering sense of optimism, hence why leos are never short on opportunities. Leos also quite love life which leads them into creativity, which adds a bonus on their life satisfaction and happiness.

2. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

From the start, the Sagittarius have a natural inclination towards happiness due to being ruled by Jupiter. Adding their stellar traits as a fire sign makes them perfect representatives for the Zodiac, in particular, their sense of adventure and optimism takes most by surprise. Their love for freedom and adventure is truly something that every Sagittarian cherishes, which allows them to be the happiest sign.

Those who were born in the Sagittarius month as centaurs are said to be driven by the constant desire to seek knowledge and adventure which brings excitement to their lives. Business minded and leaders in their own right ‘Sagittarians’ possess optimism to see through dark times which requires great skill. Indeed, with personal development, the wish to learn new things and seeing the world around them are reasons enough to make many centaurs happy.

One of the hallmarks of a Sagittarius is that he is a ‘jack of all trades’ and believes in mastering change as opposed to allowing change to master him. While other sun signs might be afraid to strive, in contrast, Sagittarians believe that there is adventure with every new change, despite what the odds might be. It is this simple approach towards life which makes them exceptionally happy. Whether it’s searching for new places or trying new sports or fitness Jordans, for Sagittarians, life is one big adventure.

3. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Born under the planetary influence of Venus the love and beauty planet, Libras are blessed with most positivity as well as harmony. Balance in life and relationship is vital for Libras as they strive for a peaceful life. Naturally, they are fun- loving and promote the idea of staying happy.

Libras or people born under the Libra zodiac sign are entirely sociable individuals and they are ruled by the planet Venus. They typically get along well with people and are happy when there’s peace around them because as air signs, they are often highly intellectual. It brings them contentment when they can collect or organize beautiful social interactions which are calm and free from war. Because of this, many people support Libra’s agreeable zero conflict stance.

On the other hand, a Libra believes that there must always be equilibrium. For Librans, it can be anything from working hard and continuing to enjoy life’s many opportunities to maintaining healthy friendship/family bonds. Such equilibrium allows them to avoid negativity, and unnecessary stress and in turn allows them to be happy and cheerful individuals.

4. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Emotional awareness is what gives the Pisces the depth they are known to possess as they belong to the water sign. Pisces refers to those born under the dreamers sign and their emotions tend to be strong as they are ruled by the planet Neptune. Therefore, this sensitivity allows them to feel deep joy in their work and relationships too.

Connection and the satisfaction of creativity do tend to make disconnections quite bearable for Pisces so they try and build tighter bonds. Such people are dreamers and they draw immense enjoyment from imagination as well as creativity, which is most common for them, due to their deep sensitivity. Whether it be through art, composition or writing, they like to translate emotions through their work to feel better and at times heal.

As they have an urge to feel close to someone, which does result in them forming strong attachments, they do enjoy giving love and kindness to others. Selflessness and compassion can help people achieve a lot in life and being able to give both, does create a positive feedback of happiness. So for a Pisces, love always circles back only to make them and others happy.

Even though they have emotions, they are very sensitive, and this is where Pisces finds inner strength. This is mostly due to the inclinations and intuitive endowment of the Pisces as they find ways to bring solutions. Optimism is a major trait of the Pisces enabling them to be happy in other such difficult circumstances.

5. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus is an earth astrological sign which is ruled by the goddess of affection and opulence – Venus. Due to their realism and love for the finer side of Taurus life, they are one of the happiest zodiac signs. It is rather their love for comforts, sense of security and love for good things in life that makes them happy.

The Taurus sign is one that is industrious and has a focused drive to provide themselves with security. They derive fulfillment from the fruits of their hard work whether it is residing in a good house, eating tasty dishes, or spending quality times with people that matter to them. Their sense of the material world and the craving for the comforts makes them settle quite nicely.

Typically, Taurus people measure their happiness in terms of stability and security. They find themselves enjoying the best in life when they are in a safe and comfortable surrounding. This worry free approach allow for them to enjoy all the nice things life has to offer, since a taurus works their way towards reaching a goal and once completed it brings a great deal of satisfaction.

Their patience is one of the biggest contributing factors towards the happiness of Taurians. They appreciate the fact that everything is earned and doesn’t happen overnight, and therefore are ready to put in the work required for a good outcome. For a Taurian, putting in that work at the very beginning while remaining patient, In turn, guarantees them happiness and satisfaction throughout their life.


I think the above guide on top 5 zodiac signs born to be happy will help you to understand that no two signs of the zodiac are the same, and as such they also have a different approach towards happiness. Those who are Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Pisces, and Taurus are blessed life as these individuals are automatically happier than the rest. They possess a sense of vitality and mental fortitude that helps them combat the stresses that life throws at them. Through their desire of adventure, the need to nurture or simply for the pursuit of life, these signs are always meant to be happy.

Happiness can also be learned if you set your eyes to the signs of zodiac. It requires on the other hand the embracing of luck, searching of equilibrium point, developing relations with others as well as enjoying the pleasures life has to give.


1. How are Libras happy?

Libra enjoys and searches for balance in their life and within all meaningful relationships they come across. These two elements alone would account for their happiness.

2. Why are Pisces born to be happy?

Pisces are imaginative and empathic beings, and most of those born under this sun sign find their happiness in dreams, creativity, and feelings.

3. What zodiac signs are naturally happy?

Sagittarians, Leos, Libras, Geminis, and Pisceans are regarded as signs that can seem to be born naturally happy due to their optimism and cheerful nature.

4. What is the reason Sagittarius is said to have born into happiness?

Sagittarius is adventurous, free-spirited, and enjoys trying new things.

5. What makes Leos the happiest zodiac sign?

Leos are very confident beings who thrive on the spotlight and enjoy being the center of attention, and most of them enjoy being fun and positive.

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