Events & Activities

Short Certificate Training Course on E-Resource, E-Learning & IOT by NAARM & MANAGE

Short Certificate Training Course on E-Resources, E-Learning & IoT (Component –I) by NAARM

First phase of five days short certificate course (Component–I) training programme was organized by NAARM, Hyderabad, covering basics of “E-Resources, E-Learning and IoT” for 50 Students & 10 Faculty of UAS, Raichur on 25-29 February, 2020 at University Library, UAS, Raichur. The Programme was inaugurated with lighting lamp by Dr. S. K. Meti, DoE, UAS, Raichur & Dr. S. Senthil Vinayagam, Head, Education Systems Management, NAARM, Hyderabad & all the guests of programme. Dr. S. Senthil Vinayagam, addressed students & faculty on importance and scope of E-resources for present generation and also delivered session on communication skills & entrepreneurship development. The Programme was presided by Dr. D. M Chandargi, Dean (Agri.) & PI (NAHEP-IG) project and spoke on preamble of project in Kalyan Karnataka region. Further, he spoke on components of the project like infrastructure building, developing E-resource in all libraries & digitization of libraries by converting hard copies into soft copies & launch of library website by next year.


Short Certificate Training Course on E-Resource, E-Learning & IoT (Component –II) by MANAGE

Second phase of five days short certificate course covering applied aspects of “E-Resources, E-Learning and IoT” (Component – II) was conducted by MANAGE on New Dimensions in ICTs & Knowledge Management in Agriculture for 50 students & 10 faculty of UAS, Raichur from 10-14 March, 2020. Smt. G. Jayalakshmi, IAS Director General, MANAGE, Hyderabad, inaugurated the Programme & stressed the importance of E-resource, E-learning platforms for students to upgrade their knowledge & use internet of things most effectively in building one’s carrier. The programme was graced by Dr. D. M. Chandragi, Dean (Agri.) & PI-(NAHEP-IG) and Dr. K.C. Gummagolmath, Dy. Director (M&E) who briefed about training programme. Session was delivered by Dr. Senthil Vinayagam, Principal Scientist (Ag.Extn.),NAARM on Application of ICTs in Agriculture and Agricultural Extension. On the last day of training programme, certificates were distributed to participants and feedback was shared both by faculty & students. The students/faculty rated 4.81 out of 5 scale rating in learning of the ICT application & knowledge management for agriculture research.

