Luckiest Zodiac DayThe Moon in Capricorn and Libra this week has provided fuel for the energies. This week speaks about self-acceptance and understanding for every zodiac sign. Staying connected to reality and moving actively toward practical realization of dreams will be very important.
It has always been a very tough year for you professionally in the past year, but this week will see the Sun of Capricorn give you the drives to burst into newer possibilities. Right now is the perfect time to explore new employment or new avenues. Your work will be rewarded.
2. Taurus: 27 Dec. – Direct a New Energy Charge
You’ve been concentrating too much on romance for a while now; your energy now needs to be directed towards those things you’ve always wanted to do.
3. Gemini: 26 Dec.- Where Dreams and Reality Meet
In order for your dreams to come true, you must take steps to actualize them. This week, Venus will meet the retrograde Jupiter with an added confidence factor for you.
4. Cancer: 27th December – A rest day and some fresh starts
Last moon in Libra will reap emotional security and give due chances to forget worries about what the past brings.
5. Leo: December 28 – A time to change one’s thinking
It has been a long time coming, letting go of self-esteem and thinking in a new way this week. This is the effect of Libra on bringing your attention away from your life and investing it in the self.
6. Virgo: December 29 – Hard work will bear fruit
Your hard work will really come to fruition this week. The coming together of Venus and backward Jupiter brings a fantastic opportunity of starting a business from home or working from home.
7. Libra: December 28-The Balance and Contentment
This week is all about spending time with family and gaining inner peace. The Sun of Makar Sankranti will help you discover your inner strength.
8. Scorpio: December 29-Forget Old Hurts
The Moon in Libra says that you should not please anyone anymore, but you are meant to please yourself.
This week features unique energies that are standing by Capricorn and Libra to provide each sign with an opportunity for self-discovery and growth. By aligning one’s efforts with the planetary motions both for the lucky day assigned to them, one can channel their power towards the areas of their lives that require repair-whether career, relationships, or self-development. Embracing the cosmic guidance this week could make meaningful strides toward your goals and uncover places that have not been giving. Remember, every little bit counts and even small efforts on one’s luckiest day can set in motion significant changes in the course of one’s life.
Q. How do astrological predictions work and how are they given?
A. Based on the positions of planets and stars in the universe, and the influence that such combination has on different zodiac signs.
Q. Which day would be the luckiest for me?
A. It will depend on the positioning of planets and be determined according to astrologers.
Q. What does “the most powerful day” actually mean?
A. The day when the energies of the planets are playing the greatest role in the success of your projects, interests, and plans.
Q. Can I build up my life on this prediction?
A. Yes. This prediction will help direct your energies appropriately.
Q. Does every zodiac sign have a different lucky day?
A. Of course, each zodiac sign is different from its respective lucky day-wise from the position of planets.
Q. How can I make use of this prediction?
A. Channel some energy in the right day on which to address difficult matters.