Things are most certainly up and up, with a turn of fortune for three zodiac signs on January 3, 2025. Under the Pisces Moon, we do see the glass as half full, not half empty. And it is there that three zodiac signs finally accept that it’s time to join the party.
During the Pisces Moon, we all get to make something of ourselves. For the three zodiac signs mentioned here, we will see that life never shuts us out. We did that ourselves, and now, the new year opens its doors to us with a big, bold welcome mat.
We are about to experience a turn of fortune, and we are going to say “yes” to it. We know now that it’s really up to us and that it’s not so much the destination as the journey gets us there.
1. Gemini
You normally do not take criticism lightly, but fortune has turned for you, Gemini, and it seems this year already has you feeling lighter about everything. You are now experiencing the good fortune of feeling well-balanced, mentally and emotionally.
This is largely because the Moon of Pisces is present. Its calming lunar effect would try to put this inner beast in check, which would otherwise turn against you when unleashed. Real-life manifestations play like you didn’t take every bit of those happenings hard on your head.
This is what you want and need, and you feel the release of the transit in how you react to people around you. Well, so what if someone disagrees with you? Who cares? They’ve got their way, and you have yours. And at the Pisces Moon, that is all cool.
2. Scorpio
Lo and behold, you are in for a change of luck, which may suggest that you needed a break like this one and that on January 3, you will get such a break. And Scorpio, you’d be right to think that way, as this is the day that brings forth the power behind the Pisces Moon.
Pisces energy calms you down and is good for when the lunar event happens. This influence makes you feel, deep in your heart, that everything will be okay if you just keep going and doing what you’re doing.
The days of feeling desperate are over. You feel a surge of inspiration and creative energy and plan on doing something grand with this charged-up feeling. You are going to take something mundane and make it into something miraculous.
3. Capricorn
You knew fortune would kick in, meaning, the good luck and that feeling of walking into something fortunate and promising, and well, Capricorn, you’re right. This day, January 3, provides you with everything you need to feel right as rain.
You have the Pisces Moon to make it all positive, and the Pisces influence brings you into a balance of feeling. You recognized that you started to feel a little anxious about the whole new year thing, and now, you’re just cruising through at a good clip.